Wednesday 20 July 2011

Roast vegetable and polenta stack

When Aaron said to me a year ago "I'm going to be a weekday vegetarian" I was a little taken aback. Being the one who cooks most of the meals it meant that I was, by default, a weekday vegetarian also. I think we both quite like this dietary change for both the physical and the environmental benefits. This change has also helped me to expand my repertoire of vego friendly meals. Here is my latest effort.

Oven roasted mushrooms, zucchini, capsicum, onion and cherry tomatoes sandwiched between layers of polenta.
I was surprisingly happy with how this turned out, particularly as this was my first attempt at cooking polenta, and the recipe I used didn't actually include a recipe for the polenta just called for '1 portion creamy polenta'. So I used a recipe I'd seen elsewhere:

  • 1 cup milk, 1 1/2 cup stock (I used chicken) and 1 1/2 cups water brought to the boil
  • 1 cup of polenta stirred in over the heat until soft (3 minutes for me as I used instant polenta)
  • 1 cup parmesan stirred in at the end with a little salt and pepper 
Once cooked, spread the polenta mix on a lined baking tray and refrigerate until firm (which took about as long as it did to roast the veggies). It was easier to handle than I expected when cooled, so I could easily slice the polenta sheet into three sections.
The first layer went onto a lined baking tray then was spread with basil pesto, some ricotta cheese and half the veggies. Repeat with the next layer, then top with the final polenta strip and grated parmesan, then back in the oven for about 20 minutes.
I was really pleased with how this turned out, especially the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

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